Sunday, June 22, 2008

Week 8, Thing# 18

I really liked Zoho writer. I think it is a great tool, especially for someone who uses different computers or someone who has to travel. This is the document I created:

    My Bilingual ABC

  1. Air - aire
  2. Boat - barco
  3. Coconut - coco
  4. Dragon - dragon
  5. Elephant - elefante
  6. Figure - figura
  7. Goose - ganso
  8. Hunger - hambre
  9. Iguana - iguana
  10. Jicama - jicama
  11. Kiosk - kiosco
  12. Lion - Leon
  13. Monkey - mono
  14. Nest - Nido
  15. Orangutan - orangutan
  16. Parrot - perico
  17. Quetzal - Quetzal
  18. Rat - rata
  19. Soft - suave
  20. Turtle - tortuga
  21. Uniform - uniforme
  22. Volcano - volcan
  23. Watt - watt
  24. Xylophone - xilofono
  25. Yoyo - yoyo
  26. Zoo - zoologico

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1 comment:

ESC1 said...

This is a good list of cognates.