Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Week 9, Thing# 23

My first post started with a "Wow! I can't believe I just created a blog," and now I'm ending with a Wow! I can't believe I just finished all 23 things! I really enjoyed the discovery exercises. I'm glad thing #23 ended with "A Fair(y) Use Tale" video. Not only did I enjoy watching it, I also find the topic of copyright very interesting. Thanks to the discovery exercises I now have a better understanding of what a blog, a wiki, an image generator, an avatar, and a sandbox are, and better yet, I now have an idea of how to incorporate some of these in the library/classroom. I really hope more online training just like this one become available in the near future.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Week 9, Thing# 22

I think it is great that there are so many books, poems, and stories that we can read online. I've downloaded mainly short stories and poems. I've also had students listen to online stories. This year one of my teachers came with an old book of a story she wanted to read to her students but the book had one page missing. We found the missing page online. She was so happy when I printed the page for her.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Week 9, Thing #21

I didn't know there were so many different kinds of podcasts. I searched several on jokes, but didn't really liked those I visited. I liked the ones on teaching a foreign language. I listened to some lesson for learning French, Italian, and English as a second language. I'm thinking these could be good for school kids. There were also some podcasts on grammar and writing.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Week 9, Thing #20

I didn't know TouTube had so many videos under "Seuss." My school likes to celebrate Read Across America; some of these videos would be perfect for the celebration. I'm including one on "Fox in Socks."

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Week 8, Thing #19

My husband and I have our own library. I had always wanted to catalog our books because we have so many. Sometimes we even forget which ones we already have. Library Thing is definitely my solution. I added 5 of the 2008-2009 Bluebonnet books just so that I could try it, but as soon as I have a chance, I'll start cataloging the books from my own library.

Week 8, Thing# 18

I really liked Zoho writer. I think it is a great tool, especially for someone who uses different computers or someone who has to travel. This is the document I created:

    My Bilingual ABC

  1. Air - aire
  2. Boat - barco
  3. Coconut - coco
  4. Dragon - dragon
  5. Elephant - elefante
  6. Figure - figura
  7. Goose - ganso
  8. Hunger - hambre
  9. Iguana - iguana
  10. Jicama - jicama
  11. Kiosk - kiosco
  12. Lion - Leon
  13. Monkey - mono
  14. Nest - Nido
  15. Orangutan - orangutan
  16. Parrot - perico
  17. Quetzal - Quetzal
  18. Rat - rata
  19. Soft - suave
  20. Turtle - tortuga
  21. Uniform - uniforme
  22. Volcano - volcan
  23. Watt - watt
  24. Xylophone - xilofono
  25. Yoyo - yoyo
  26. Zoo - zoologico

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Week 7, Thing # 17

I was very impressed with the California Curriculum Connection Wikis ( I think this is a wonderful way of using wikis: allow people to post ideas on how to use a particular application. I viewed their pages on online learning, blogging, images, and wikis. Two ideas posted on wikis that I think I would like to try in the library this coming year is to use a wiki for students to do book reviews and to use a wiki for students to list questions for "Battle of the Books."